Monday, February 15, 2010

Stairs, Confetti & Masks

So, this weekend was a TON of fun :) Saturday morning Emily and I climbed the Duomo... all 463 stairs of it. The sky was bright blue and it was sunny, so pretty much the ideal weather to go to the top! It was 8 euro to get in and some of the stair cases were more like ladders. It was absurb how many flights of stairs we had to climb and how croweded it was. But it was well worth it because once we got to the top we could see the entire city... we were even able to find our apartment and I zoomed in really far with my camera and took picture of Michelle and Marissa who were standing out on our roof top patio. Saturday night we went to YAB which was so much fun. Not many people went out so it was just me and my roomates and we danced our way into this little italian VIP area. At one point me and michelle had to run away from the italians cause they were getting creepy but we were on top of the speakers so she jumped down and then i jumped on her back and she gave me a piggy back ride. It was really funny at the time.
Sunday was Carnivale! We went to Viareggio which was a town on the ocean that supposidly has the best Carnivale in Italy. I have never seen cooler/bigger/more elaborate floats in my life. Everyone is dressed up from infant babies to old old people. Some of the floats were really poltical though, like there were two with Obama on them and they were essentially shitting on America but it was still cool. We all got masks and wore them around all day and I bought confetti and threw it at everyone... just fitting in with the locals. We also ran down to the water and took some fun pics there. It was really a great experience, probably one of the most fun things I've done since I've been here!

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