Sunday, January 24, 2010

It looks like my suitcase threw up

Well, its sunday which means my first full weekend in Siena is over. The days are kind of starting to all mix together and i'm fully ready to get to florence! I went for a walk around the whole city and there were some really pretty views of the city. This is one of my cheesy pics that we took, the sun is actually setting behind me but it doesn't show up in this picture for some reason. It also took us a good half hour to figure out how to get up on top of the track we were on... Friday night Kate and I had everyone over in our room to pregame. Bad decision. Red wine was spilled all over our beds and floors and we woke up to 15 bottles all over the place. Afer that we we went out to a "club" called Gallery. It was super crowded and everything was very expensive.It was fun though. There was dancing and i got to see Liz who was visiting her friend Christina so that was nice so see someone from school. I wore a brand new white shirt out and needless to say it is no longer white. It is now a beautiful
combination of red white and black... great. I'll need to get that dry cleaned asap. Later in the night i thought i lost all my money so i was in a bad mood, i found it the next morning in my camera case. I guess i'm not a very good searcher. We also got chicken sandwhichs late night style and we had to play charades with the people at the resturant trying to get them to understand what we wanted.
On Saturday i slept in until 2:30!! Trying to catch up on some sleep. Then i got lunch really late and did pretty much nothing else the rest of the day. Then we were getting ready to go out. I was all dressed up, had a few beers and then decieded I was to tired/probably drank to much oops so I just went to bed. It was a good decision ha. Now I'm about to go out to lunch with our group and then i'm not sure what else is going on. There is a soccer game that i might try and go to but we will see! I also have to clean up my stuff. Living out of a suitcase is difficult and my clothes are so disorganized. It looks like my suitcaes threw up all over my side of the room. Anyway I have to run now BYE!

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