Monday, January 18, 2010


Today was the first day of school. We had a 4 hour class in which they only spoke in Italian, it was pretty absurd. I realized by the end though that by the entire time was spend learning only 4 sentences and how to count to 20. I forgot how difficult it was to learn languages! But i can say "my name is..." mi chiamo Laura! ha and i can say where i'm from, how old I am, and my phone number... which was kind of a wierd thing for us to learn. Are they encouraging us to give out our numbers to strangers? We also got homework tonight, 5 exercises. I also forgot how much I dislike busy work.

Anyway, after class we had lunch and I got some ravioli in a butter sauce that was delicous. Then we had another meeting that was BORING and then I spent 4 hours with Kate and Mallory trying to get school supplies and a phone. Needless to say phone vendors do not speak English and trying not to get ripped off is very difficult. I also spent the equivalent of 30 dollars on a three ring binder and loose leaf paper woohoo! I'm glad the american to italian exchange rate is soo good...NOT. Although it took us forever to get our stuff done today, im glad we ventured so far looking for a phone company cuase I realized that we have not seen much of Siena at all. Hopefully tomorrow we'll venture further. I ended my day with dinner, we went to some place is the plaza that is always so croweded. I got salad in attempt to keep myself from getting sick of pasta. It was okay. We sat outside though which was a bad move considering tonights "short" dinner was an hour and half long and when i got home none of my fingers had color in them. oh well, it was still a good day and I'm still loving Siena!

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